Challenges to Social Work research: from academic education to professional practice


  • Aglair Alencar Setubal ICF - Teresina - PI



The reflections contained in this essay seek to the call attention of professionals, professors and students of Social Work to the importance of research in the various contexts of activity in this field, despite the challenges and difficulties presented in its realization. It offers possibilities for conducting research from a critical professional intervention, in keeping with the concrete reality - the context of professional practice. It also highlights the importance for the preparation of a history of Social Work based on theoretical-methodological postures that consider the wealth, complexity and essence of reality, breaking with the 'pseudoconcreticity', with the utilitarian, manipulative praxis that is constructed in the dimension of a 'common consciousness'. Despite the importance attributed to research, it sought to avoid separating it from human-social reality, given that it is in this context that research acquires meaning, becomes accepted and considers the needs of Social Work as a historic profession.

Author Biography

Aglair Alencar Setubal, ICF - Teresina - PI

Possui graduação em Serviço Social pela UFC, mestrado em Serviço Social pela UFP e doutorado em Serviço Social pela PUCSP. Professora responsável pela elaboração dos projetos de implantação dos cursos de Serviço Social da UFPI e do ICF os quais coordenador durante o processo de implantação do currículo. Tem experiência na área de ensino em Serviço Social, com ênfase em Fundamentos Teórico-metodológicos da Pesquisa Social, Pesquisa em Serviço Social e Gerontologia Social. Atua na academia como professora, pesquisadora, coordenadora do Núcleo de Pesquisa e Extensão da Pessoa Idosa e Programa de Extensão - Integração de Gerações.

Mais informações: Currículo Lattes - CNPq.

