Educator State: a New Pedagogy of Hegemony in Extractive Reserves


  • Cláudia Conceição Cunha ICMBio - Rio Branco - AC
  • Carlos Frederico B. Loureiro UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ



This article analyzes the role performed by an international cooperation project (Projeto Resex) in the implementation of Extractive Reserves in the 1990s. Through the analysis of documents and reports referring to the negotiation and execution of the first phase of the Project in 1995-1999, the paper demonstrates the conflicting principles held by the collective subjects that participated in the formation of the Extractive Reserves and those produced, transmitted and promoted through the Projeto Resex. The presence of the state is discussed, found in a pedagogy of hegemony, operating in the deconstruction of the conquests sought by the rubber tappers in the 1970s and 1980s, and using Project Resex as a special pedagogic space.

Author Biographies

Cláudia Conceição Cunha, ICMBio - Rio Branco - AC

Doutora, analista ambiental do Instituto Chico Mendes - ICMBio.

Carlos Frederico B. Loureiro, UFRJ - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Doutor e professor da UFRJ.

