The businesswoman in female labor speech


  • Cristiane Gomes de Souza UFAL



This text discusses the corporate woman in the development of her practices and awards arising from female entrepreneurship according to the discourse of SEBRAE. For this, the movement of (re) formulating SEBRAE's discourse on women is analyzed in order to highlight the meaning effects of capital's discourse. The objective is to identify the business woman in the discourse of female work as a constitutive space of convergence, divergence and silence among these women. The research was based on the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Discourse Analysis (AD) of French origin, affiliated with Pêcheux, and of Psychoanalyses. It is argued that the interdisciplinary relations of SEBRAE on female entrepreneurship, contribute, in an ideological and unconscious way, to the constitution of hegemonic discourses that elect contemporary female entrepreneurship as the only possible model for generating wealth, freedom and boldness in the suffering of women

Author Biography

Cristiane Gomes de Souza, UFAL

Psicóloga, Professora Universítária, Mestre em Serviço Social e Doutora e, Linguística


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