Sense data and the philosophy of mind: Russell, James, and Mach


  • Gary Hatfield University of Pennsyvania



The theory of knowledge in early twentieth-century Anglo American philosophy was oriented toward phenomenally described cognition There was a healthy respect for the mind body problem, which meant that phenomena in both the mental and physical domain were taken sinuously Bertrand Russell's developing position on sense-data and momentary particulars drew upon, and ultimately became like, the neutral monism of Ernst Mach and William James Due to a more recent behaviorist and physicalist inspired "fear of the mental", this development has been down played in historical work on early analytic philosophy Such neglect as sumes that the "linguistic turn" is a proper and permanent effect of twentieth century philosophy, an assumption that distorts early analytic historiography, and begs a substantive philosophical question about thought and cognition.

Author Biography

Gary Hatfield, University of Pennsyvania

Departamento de Psicologia da Universidde da Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. Gary Hatfield recebeu o doutorado a partir do University of Wisconsin--Madison in 1979, University of Wisconsin - Madison, em 1979, then taught at Harvard and Johns Hopkins before coming to Penn in 1987. em seguida, lecionou em Harvard e Johns Hopkins antes de chegar a Penn em 1987. He works in the history of modern philosophy , the philosophy of psychology , theories of vision , and the philosophy of science . In 1990 he published The Natural and the Normative: Theories of Spatial Perception from Kant to Helmholtz ; his book on Descartes and the Meditations appeared in 2003; Perception and Cognition: Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology was published by the Clarendon Press in 2009.  The revised edition of his translation of Kant's Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics appeared in 2004.  He is a member of the Institute for Research in Cognitive Science , the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience , the Penn Perception group, and the History and Sociology of Science Graduate Group.  He has directed dissertations in history of philosophy, philosophy of psychology, and philosophy and history of science .  He has long been fascinated by visual perception and the mind–body problem.  For further information, consult Curriculum Vitae (selected [ html ] or full [ pdf ]) and research statement . Ele trabalha na história da filosofia moderna , a filosofia da psicologia , as teorias da visão e da filosofia da ciência . Em 1990 ele publicou o natural eo Normativa: Teorias da percepção espacial, de Kant a Helmholtz , seu livro sobre Descartes e as meditações apareceu em 2003, Percepção e Cognição: Ensaios na Filosofia da Psicologia foi publicado pela Clarendon Press em 2009 é. revisto A edição de sua tradução de Kant, Prolegômenos a qualquer metafísica futura surgiu em 2004 a. Ele é um membro do Instituto para Pesquisa em Ciência Cognitiva , o Centro de Neurociência Cognitiva , a Penn Percepção grupo, ea História e Sociologia da Ciência Pós-Graduação do Grupo. Ele tem dirigido dissertações em história da filosofia, filosofia da psicologia e filosofia e história da ciência . Ele sempre foi fascinado por percepção visual e do corpo-mente- problema.




