Natureza do espaço em Leibniz e a correspondência Leibniz-Clarke
We study the Leibnizian conception of space based upon a critical analysis of the arguments developed throughout the Leibniz–Clarke correspondence. This study is done upon the content of the correspondence originally published by Clarke in 1717 and wholly republished by H. G. Alexander in 1956. Our main goal is to show how it is possible to unfold the Leibnizian concept of space in three distinct ontological structures, each one interconnected and strongly based in the principle of preestablished harmony. These three structures anticipate ideas that were partially, at least, retaken inside some modern perspectives in physics and its philosophy. The main points discussed are: (i) the contention against the newtonian atomism and absolute space; (ii) the ontological and physical implications of the Leibnizian metaphysical principles; (iii) the problem of the symmetry; (iv) the identification of a real property of spatial extension; (v) the conception of relative space as ideal structure and (vi) the emergency of a structure of relational space founded in the real structure of spatial extension.
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