Models & Proofs: LFIs Without a Canonical Interpretations


  • Eduardo Alejandro Barrio IIF-Conicet - UBA - BA-Logic



In different papers, Carnielli, W. & Rodrigues, A. (2012), Carnielli, W. Coniglio, M. & Rodrigues, A. (2017) and Rodrigues & Carnielli, (2016) present two logics motivated by the idea of capturing contradictions as conflicting evidence. The first logic is called BLE (the Basic Logic of Evidence) and the second—that is a conservative extension of BLE—is named LETJ (the Logic of Evidence and Truth). Roughly, BLE and LETJ are two non-classical (paraconsistent and paracomplete) logics in which the Laws of Explosion (EXP) and Excluded Middle (PEM) are not admissible. LETJ is built on top of BLE. Moreover, LETJ is a Logic of Formal Inconsistency (an LFI). This means that there is an operator that, roughly speaking, identifies a formula as having classical behavior. Both systems are motivated by the idea that there are different conditions for accepting or rejecting a sentence of our natural language. So, there are some special introduction and elimination rules in the theory that are capturing different conditions of use. Rodrigues & Carnielli’s paper has an interesting and challenging idea. According to them, BLE and LETJ are incompatible with dialetheia. It seems to show that these paraconsistent logics cannot be interpreted using truth-conditions that allow true contradictions. In short, BLE and LETJ talk about conflicting evidence avoiding to talk about gluts. I am going to argue against this point of view. Basically, I will firstly offer a new interpretation of BLE and LETJ that is compatible with dialetheia. The background of my position is to reject the one canonical interpretation thesis: the idea according to which a logical system has one standard interpretation. Then, I will secondly show that there is no logical basis to fix that Rodrigues & Carnielli’s interpretation is the canonical way to establish the content of logical notions of BLE and LETJ . Furthermore, the system LETJ captures inside classical logic. Then, I am also going to use this technical result to offer some further doubts about the one canonical interpretation thesis.

Author Biography

Eduardo Alejandro Barrio, IIF-Conicet - UBA - BA-Logic

Profesor de Lógica en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.





