The Presence of Physiology in Adam Smith's Theory: Organic Metaphor in the Roots of Economic Thought
Adam Smith, Political Economy, Physiology, Animal Economy, Organic MetaphorAbstract
This paper analyzes Adam Smith's ideas about physiology and how these ideas influenced and are present in his economic-political theory through the use of the organic metaphor. To do so, firstly, I will attempt to show that such a resource was not exceptional. However, great precursors and exponents of economic-political thought, such as Hobbes, Petty, or Quesnay, frequently used such metaphor. Secondly, I will show that Adam Smith's use of the organic metaphor reveals relevant aspects of his thought concerning both animal economy and political economy, as well as important metaphysical commitments. Finally, I conclude that the role of such a trope was not merely rhetorical and heuristic but an important means of reflection and inquiry.
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