Preciado’s Porno-Political Fictions of the Body




Based on Preciado’s writings, this article proposes a counter-disciplinary problematization of body representations as an epistemological product and as a political laboratory. The first part, dedicated to the Counter-sexual Manifesto’s core topic (plasticity of the sexes and plastic sexes), discusses the meaning of Nature and the epistemological rupture with the discourse on a natural order that precedes and constitutes the human. The second part focuses on the notions of the body as a laboratory, introduced in Testo junkie. Combining auto-political fiction, auto-theory and body-essay, Testo junkie describes a protocol of voluntary intoxication based on synthetic testosterone. This bodily experimentation, which allows Preciado the fiction of being a sexual-hacker or a sex-pirate, is presented as a means of renewing the sense of the self. Taken as a whole, this article intends to contribute to a preciadian analysis of Preciado, that is to say, an analysis of the subject (biography) made from the very categories created by the author (bibliography), making Preciado simultaneously source and object of theorization. In this sense, this is a biopical essay, in which I try to explore and to combine the biographical and bibliographical dimensions of Preciado.


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How to Cite

Oliveira, A. (2020). Preciado’s Porno-Political Fictions of the Body. Revista Estudos Feministas, 28(3).



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