Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The contribution is original and unpublished, it is not being evaluated for publication elsewhere, and will not be submitted to another journal until the final decision of the current evaluation.
- The supplementary documents (“Declaration of originality”, “Authorship notes” and “Checklist”) have been duly filled and will be included in the system before submission is finished.
- The file for submission of the original is in Microsoft Word format, following the model provided.
- Text, images, tables and graphs follow the style and requirements described in the journal norms.
- The identification of authorship has been removed from the file and from the Word Properties, ensuring the confidentiality when submitted to peer review, according to instructions available in the journal norms.
- The authors have the required academic degree, as described in the Instructions to Authors.
Author Guidelines
The Revista Estudos Feministas accepts the following types of texts, in continuous flow: articles, essays, interviews, reviews. The Journal also publishes Thematic Sections and dossiers that are submitted through biannual notices. See below the rules for submitting texts.
Conditions for submission
As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the compliance of the submission against all of the items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.
- The contribution is original and unpublished, is not being evaluated for publication by another journal and will not be submitted to another journal until the final decision is registered in this submission.
- The supplementary documents – "Declaration of originality and originality", "Authorship Notes" and "Checklist" – have been duly completed and will be included in the system before completing the submission.
- The file for submission of the unpublished is in Microsoft Word format, using the template file provided.
- Text, images, tables and graphs follow the style standards and requirements described in the Journal's Standards file.
- The identification of the authorship of this work was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus ensuring the journal's confidentiality criterion, if submitted for peer review (e.g., articles), according to the instructions available in the Journal's Standards file.
- Authors have the minimum degree required, as described in the Guidelines for Authors.
- Read the instructions in the tutorial "How to submit an article to the journal" to the end before starting the submission.
Guidelines for authors
Contributions are accepted from masters, doctoral students, doctors and post-doctors. Only unpublished works by master's students in the form of co-authorship with a doctor (or post-doctor) will be accepted, as long as the article has the doctor (or post-doctor) as its first author.
The Journal reserves the right not to accept for evaluation more than one submission per author per year, or while there is a previous submission in the evaluation process.
How and where to ship
All materials submitted must be sent electronically through the website: Revista Estudos Feministas (, through the OJS Platform. All fields are mandatory, including the ORCID, and must be informed in full. The summary of the biography should not exceed 5 lines.
How to register in the journal
All metadata requested by the system must be properly filled in for all submission modalities, otherwise the work will not be considered. The inclusion of information in the metadata does not exclude the need to send the forms mentioned in "Documents for online submission".
How to submit an article to the journal
Please read the publication guidelines carefully before starting the submission process. Articles that are not completely in accordance with the specifications of the Journal's standards will be rejected in the preliminary evaluation process.
Documents for online submission
For online submission, it is mandatory to fill out the following forms, according to the models available in the link below, which must be entered into the system:
- Signed Declaration of Originality stating that the text is unpublished and is not being examined by any other publication;
- Authorship Notes containing a mini-biography of up to 5 lines, ORCID record, Institutional Affiliation, e-mail and other information about the article, as required by funding agencies and indexers;
- Checklist completed and signed.
- Access the models of supplementary documents, guidelines for the construction of the accessible text and the model file HERE.
Guidelines for preparing text for blind evaluation
It has been the policy of the Revista Estudos Feministas since its creation to carry out a "double-blind" evaluation, in which the identification of the author (or authors) and the evaluators are not revealed to each other. There is, however, the option of open evaluation, which must be indicated on the checklist.
When preparing the electronic submission of materials for double-blind review, the editorial board asks the author to take a few minutes to review her text and, where appropriate:
- omit your name and that of the institution on the title page, as well as the headers and footers;
- Delete any information that may inadvertently identify it, such as "as this author described in another work (citation)..." or "see (quote) for further discussion..."
- avoid a multiplicity of self-citations or the citation of the author's materials (doctoral dissertations, etc.), published or not;
- delete acknowledgments to colleagues or institutional affiliations that can also facilitate the identification of the author;
- remove the user ID in the Properties option in Word.
The editorial board understands that even though it is difficult to conclusively remove everything that may lead to the identification of the author, care must be taken to eliminate all evident sources that enable her identification, avoiding obvious indicators of authorship by the reviewers. REF also accepts preprinted articles on the platform offered by SciELO Preprints. In this case, the evaluation will not be double-blind, and the authors and evaluators have access to the data of both.
Guidelines for the preparation of texts
1. When submitting files for consideration by the REF (articles, essays, reviews and interviews), the authors must:
- Use Windows-compatible word processors (.doc or .docx);
- Define margins of 2.5 cm (sides, top and bottom);
- Use Times New Roman font size 12, line spacing of 1.5 in the body of the text, in the titles, in the abstracts and in the reference list;
- Justify the text and do not use paragraph entries or paragraph spacing.
- Do not use any type of markup or automatic cross-references.
2. To meet the graphic design of the Journal, the titles must fit in the header of the page. They should be short, inspiring and attractive. Long titles may be modified by the editors.
Original title - The Court arrives in Desterro: the visit of Dom Pedro II to the capital of the Province of Santa Catarina.
How it should look - The Court arrives in Desterro.
2.1 Titles (Portuguese, English and Spanish) in Times New Roman font size 12, without italics and aligned to the left.
2.2 Section titles in Times New Roman 16 font, bold, centered, without skipping line to text.
2.3 Subsection titles in Times New Roman 14 font, bold, centered, without skipping line to the text.
3. For the preparation of the texts, the following items must be observed:
- double quotation marks for quotations with up to three lines;
- quotations with more than three lines must be highlighted with an indentation of 4 cm from the left margin, with Times New Roman 11 font, 1.5 spacing and without quotation marks;
- single quotation marks should be used for words with unconventional use and to indicate quotations within quotations of up to three lines;
- italics for foreign words, (including proper/institutional names), neologisms, informants' speeches and full titles of works and publications;
- Footnotes should be restricted to only numbered, explanatory notes, and are asked to be used sparingly. If footnotes are inserted, the numeral must always come after the punctuation, whatever it is (period, comma, colon, etc.).
- Do not include footnotes in article titles, subtitles, abstracts, tables, and graphs.
- Do not include references in footnotes that were not used in the body of the text!
4. Citations and references: the sources of the citations must be indicated in the body of the text immediately after the citation, never in a footnote, (following the author-date system of NBR 10520/2002 of ABNT) containing in parentheses only the following data: AUTHOR'S LAST NAME, year of publication of the work, initial and final page of the citation.
The Journal has the practice of including, in the first entry of citation or paraphrase of each author, the full first name.
Example of first citation: "Xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx" (Simone de BEAUVOIR, 1949, p. xx).
Example of second quotation onwards: "Yyyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyy" (BEAUVOIR, 1949, p. xy).
The list of bibliographic references, with the full name and first name of the authors, should be presented at the end of the text, and should contain only the references effectively cited in the body of the text. Works that do not comply with the established standards for references and grades will be returned to the authors for adjustment, which may result in a delay in their publication.
FONSECA, Claudia. Family, gossip and honor: the ethnography of violence and gender relations in popular groups. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2000.
5. Bibliographic references will comply with the following criteria:
a) Book:
SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE WORK, First names. Title of the work: subtitle. Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication.
FONSECA, Claudia. Family, gossip and honor: ethnography of gender relations and violence in popular groups. Porto Alegre: Editora da UFRGS, 2000.
In the case of two or more authors, the names must be separated by semicolons (;), including in the citations in the body of the text.
For more than four authors, use et al.
FUNK, Susana Bornéo; MINELLA, Luzinete Simões; ASSIS, Gláucia de Oliveira (Orgs). Languages and narratives: feminist challenges. Tubarão: Editora Copiart, 2014.
b) Book chapter:
SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE CHAPTER, First names. "Chapter title: subtitle". In: SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE WORK, Prenouns. Title of the work: subtitle. Place of Publication: Publisher, year of publication. Beginning and end pages of the chapter, separated by hyphen.
HEILBORN, Maria Luiza. "Gender: a structuralist look". In: PEDRO, Joana; GROSSI, Miriam (Orgs.). Masculine, feminine, plural: gender in interdisciplinarity. Florianópolis: Editora Mulheres, 1998. p. 43-55.
c) Journal article:
LAST NAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE ARTICLE, First names. "Article title: subtitle". Title of the journal, city, volume number, issue number, initial and end pages of the article, month and year.
In the case of two or more authors, the names must be separated by semicolons (;). For more than four authors, use et al.
If the article is published online, include a link and date of access in the format dd/mm/yyyy.
ROSEMBERG, Fúlvia. "Education, income, racial and gender discrimination". Journal of Pedagogical Studies, v. 68, n. 159, p. 324-355, May/Aug. 1987.
LAGO, Mara Coelho de Souza. "Feminism, psychoanalysis, gender: travels and translations". Revista Estudos Feministas, Florianópolis, v. 18, n. 1, p. 189-204, apr. 2010. Available at Accessed on 04/17/2019.
d) Publication in electronic media:
SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE WORK, First names. "Title of the work". Title of the Publication [online]. City of publication (if any), year of publication, volume of publication, publication number, start page and end page (if any) OR the identifying number of the article within the publication. Available at electronic address. ISSN. DOI. Other publication information. Access in day/month/year.
FREITAS, Lucas Bueno de; LUZ, Nanci Stancki da. "Gender, Science and Technology: state of the art from genre journals". Cadernos Pagu [online]. Campinas, 2017, n. 49, e174908. Available at: Epub 13/03/2017. ISSN 1809-4449. DOI: 10.1590/18094449201700490008. Accessed on 04/17/2019.
e) Dissertations and Theses:
AUTHOR'S SURNAME, First Names. Title of the work: subtitle. Year of presentation. Degree (Category and Area of Concentration) – Institution, city, state, country.
DINIZ, Carmen Simone Grilo. Between technique and human rights: possibilities and limits of the humanization of childbirth care. 2001. Doctorate (Graduate Program in Preventive Medicine) - Medical School of the University of São Paulo, São Paulo, SP, Brazil.
f) Papers presented at scientific events:
SURNAME OF THE AUTHOR OF THE WORK, First names. "Title of the work". In: NAME OF THE EVENT, Number of the edition of the event, year of the event, City, State, Country where the event took place. Annals... (or Proceedings... or Summaries...) Place of publication: Publisher, Year of publication. Start and end pages of the work.
PRADO, Danda. "Maternity: option or fatality?" In: SEMINAR ON HUMAN REPRODUCTION RIGHTS, 1., 1985, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. Annals... Rio de Janeiro: ALERJ/Special Commission on Reproduction Rights, 1985. p. 26-29.
g) Laws and official publications:
COUNTRY/INSTITUTION. Title of the publication (issue number, if any). Place of publication: Publisher, year of publication.
BRAZIL. Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, 1988 (1st ed.). Brasília: Senado Federal, 1988.
BRAZIL. Ministry of Education. Law No. 9,394/1996. LDB: laws of guidelines and bases of national education. Brasília: Senado Federal, 1996.
- Underlining is no longer used to replace repeated authors.
- In and et al should be used in italics.
- There is no longer the use of < > signals to mention links.
- Do not use a colon (:) after "Available on" and "Access on".
- Use semicolons (;) to separate more than one author.
Guidelines for the construction of accessible text
In order to promote the accessibility of the texts published in the REF for people with blindness (who need reading software that does not understand the content of images, graphs, tables, among others), some guidelines were prepared on the main changes in the development of the manuscript to be submitted.
1. Avoid the use of repeated blank characters (e.g., two spaces), as well as slashes and other forms used to represent gender diversity and sexualities (e.g., /as/os/es, @, "x").
2. All non-text digital content must contain a description of the image (photos, illustrations, tables, graphs, gifs).
3. Avoid using merged cell in tables and frames. In the case of complex tables and charts, a brief description of the shape is suggested, such as the number of columns and rows.
4. Insert the description just below the "Source" item, using the same formatting.
5. In the description of images, the following order should be followed: #PraTodoMundoVer + what/who + where + how + does what + how + when + from where; the simplified form is also indicated: format + subject + landscape + context + action.
All articles published by REF from 2020 onwards must follow the accessibility standards, according to the paper submission model available in the "Guidelines for Authors".
Guidelines for Inserting Images, Tables, and Graphs
1. In the case of insertion of images (photos, figures, graphs, tables and tables), the responsibility for forwarding the procedures related to reproduction rights will be the responsibility of the author (or authors) of the articles and essays. The final approval of the text will depend on compliance with these guidelines.
2. Figures, graphs and images must be sent in two ways: in JPG format, inserted in the body of the text, and in TIFF format, with 300 dpis, in files separate from the text and uploaded to the system. Title, font and notes need to be in the body of the text and should not compose the image. Materials outside these specifications may not be used.
3. Tables must come in the body of the text (without inserting a footnote inside the table). They must also be in an image in TIFF format, with a resolution of 300 dpis, and inserted in "Supplementary Documents". The maximum size of the table on the page will be 13 x 17 cm, vertical position. Avoid large tables, with many cells and/or a lot of text per cell. They do not fit on the pages and the text can be illegible.
4. Whenever possible, leave figures, images, graphs and tables unlinked from a specific paragraph in order to allow some flexibility in the arrangement of the text and them on the page. There should be, somewhere in the text, the bold indication of the image or table for cross-referencing (e.g., Figure 1).
5. Images, tables, graphs must have a title, source and written description, for accessibility purposes (#PraTodoMundoVer). The description must be included just below the graphic element, as indicated in the template file available in the "Guidelines for Authors" menu.
6. Moderation is suggested regarding the use of images, with a maximum of 10 allowed.
Guidelines for writing articles and essays
Articles: up to a maximum of 4 authors will be accepted.
Essays: only one author.
1. Articles and essays must have around 9 thousand words or 45 thousand characters, with spaces (approximately 25 pages, A4 paper), including title, abstract, keywords, bibliographic references, notes and tables.
2. Submissions must be accompanied by:
- titles in Portuguese, English and Spanish;
- abstracts in Portuguese, English and Spanish (maximum 10 lines);
- keywords (maximum 5) in Portuguese and in Spanish (with lowercase letters) and in English (with the first letter capitalized), separated by semicolons (;).
Use the Checklist template available in the "Guidelines for Authors" menu, to facilitate the work of checking the items according to the REF standards.
Guidelines for writing reviews
Up to a maximum of 2 authors will be accepted.
1. Reviews must have between 5 and 10 thousand characters, including spaces (around 2 thousand words).
2. The books reviewed must be related to the issue of feminisms, gender or sexualities and must preferably be recent: last four years for publications abroad and two years for national publication or resulting from translation in Brazil.
3. Reviews must contain:
- title (different from the title of the book reviewed);
- summary of the subject matter;
- information about the author or authors of the book;
- insertion and position of the work in contemporary discussions on the subject;
- critical perspectives on the work (positive and negative points, aspects that could be further explored, innovative and important aspects of the work).
4. The author of the review must also send her mini-biography (up to 5 lines of text) and fill in the submission metadata in the system.
5. The formatting rules for reviews must follow the guidelines indicated in the item "Guidelines for the preparation of texts".
6. All sources and references must be equally informed as indicated in item 5 of the "Guidelines for the preparation of texts".
Interview Guidelines
1. The interviews must be preceded by a short text introducing the interviewee, prepared by the interviewer or interviewers, contextualizing their theme and the situation in which they were carried out.
2. They should contain short questions, preferably of one sentence only. It should be clear that the space is to be occupied by the interviewee, and not by the interviewer. If the question actually asked is longer, it must be edited for submission to the Journal.
3. Answers that are too long or include very different topics can be edited by including a question by the author.
4. Answers to topics that are close to you, but that have appeared at distant moments in the interview, can be edited in order to present a better connection.
5. After the interview is over, the interviewee should be checked with the spelling of the names mentioned, as well as complete the bibliographic references mentioned.
6. Whenever possible, send the transcript of the interview to obtain the interviewee's endorsement before her presentation to the interview editorial.
7. The formatting rules for the interviews must follow the guidelines indicated in the item "Guidelines for the preparation of texts".
Analyses of empirical studies or of theoretical or methodological issues, following rules and criteria well established in academic culture.
The Reviews section publishes critical comments, evaluated by the Editorial Committee, on relevant work in the field published in Brazil in the last two years or abroad in the last four years.
Copyright Notice
Revista Estudos Feministas is under the Creative Commons International 4.0 Attribution License (CC BY 4.0), that allows sharing the work with recognition of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
The license allows:
Sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any support or format) and/or adapting (remixing, transforming, and creating from the material) for any purpose, even if commercial.
The licensor cannot revoke these rights provided the terms of the license are respected. The terms are the following:
Attribution – you should give the appropriate credit, provide a link to the license and indicate if changes were made. This can be done in several ways without suggesting that the licensor has approved of the use.
Without additional restrictions – You cannot apply legal terms or technological measures that prevent others from doing something allowed by the license.
Privacy Statement
The names and addresses informed will be used exclusively by the processes inherent to the journal and will not be available to other sources or objectives.