Decolonial transnational feminisms: some issues about coloniality within feminisms




Latin American feminisms embodied since mid-1990 a discussion about their possibilities of action that questioned the fact that many feminist projects designed by western feminists were developed with an underlying notion of ‘universal citizenship’ for the ‘third world women’. Despite the predominance of this hegemonic feminism, other reflections and divergent alignments have appeared in the last years, turning into a rising production of local theoretical knowledge as well as counter-narratives, produced by groups such as the decolonial feminisms, the anti-racist and the anti-capitalist collectives. The turn to the right that Latin America, Europe and US have experienced recently with the increasing conservative governments and their reactionary political imaginaries, requires transnational feminist strategies. The question that brings me here, is how to establish an equitable debate among north-south different feminisms, its dialogues and frictions, without reproducing colonial violence. A dialogue that shares heritages of social struggles, a geopolitical translation understood as practice that does not fall into the repetition of coloniality.


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Author Biography

Caroline Betemps, Linköping University

Caroline Betemps ( é nascida no Brasil. Licenciou-se em Ciências da Comunicação pela Universidad de la República, Montevidéu, Uruguai. Obteve o Diploma de Estudos Avançados no programa doutoral «Planteamientos teóricos, estructurales y éticos de la Comunicación de Masas», Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Espanha. Atualmente é doutorando em Estudos de Gênero, área de Feminismos Post- e Decoloniais, no Departamento Tema Genus, Linköping University, Suécia. Betemps se identifica como imigrante branca e pessoa não-binária e atualmente desenvolve uma pesquisa de doutorado em torno às viagens norte∞sul das metodologias e epistemologias feministas.



How to Cite

Betemps, C. (2019). Decolonial transnational feminisms: some issues about coloniality within feminisms. Revista Estudos Feministas, 27(1).



Thematic Section