Towards the Search of Livable Lives. The Case of Feministes Indignades in Barcelona




This paper comes from the ethnography of Feministes Indignades, a commission from 15M movement, which, according to our opinion, was in transition to become a feminist collective. The ideas presented here seek to argue that this space of reflection and political practice has different traits “ the most important of which is to put caring in the center and rescue the sustainability of livelihoods “ consistent with what is known as the third wave feminism. Through this, that they called livable lives, these militants offer a bet for a feminist economy as a solution to the crisis that is nothing else than capitalism, as the 15M participants usually say.


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Author Biography

Alejandra Araiza Díaz, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

Psicóloga porla Universidad NacionalAutónoma de México; maestra en antropología social porla Escuela Nacionalde Antropología e Historia. Doctora en psicología social porla Universidad Autónomade Barcelona. Ha colaborado en distintas investigaciones en torno a la teoría feminista y los estudios de género desde el año 1996 Actualmente, trabaja como profesora-investigadora en la UAEH, participa en el grupo de investigación sobre políticas del cuidado del departamento de Psicología Social de la UAB y en el Seminario Interdisciplinario de Metodología e Investigación Feminista enla Universitat Rovirai Virgili.



How to Cite

Araiza Díaz, A. (2017). Towards the Search of Livable Lives. The Case of Feministes Indignades in Barcelona. Revista Estudos Feministas, 25(1), 51–72.


