Child Sex Tourism into Question in the Context of the 2014 World Cup


  • Cesar Teixeira Castilho Université de Paris-Sud (Paris XI) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brasil)
  • Barbara Evrard Universidade de Rouen (França)
  • Dominique Charrier Universidade de Paris-Sud (Paris XI)



This study aims to analyze the issue of child sex tourism (CST) and their correlations with sport mega-events tanking into consideration the implementation of preventive public policy in in the host city of Recife - located in the Northeast Brazil -due to the 2014 Football World Cup. Through a qualitative approach based on a three-year longitudinal study - interviews, observations and photographs - the theme will be analyzed taking into account the social aspects entangled, and the implications of excluded sectors of society in the organization of so-called mega-events. Although in the short term, the results obtained in the analyzed projects have been satisfactory, in the long run, effective social and educational measures must be prioritized to improve the situation of the actors involved. As part of a sport mega-event, the topic of CST remains marginal, particularly in countries where the social inequality persists, as well as gender issues.


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Author Biographies

Cesar Teixeira Castilho, Université de Paris-Sud (Paris XI) Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brasil)

Pesquisador em Sociologia do Esporte na Université de Paris-Sud (Paris XI) desde 2013.

Doutor pela Univeristé de Paris-Sud (Paris XI) (França)

Mestre em Teorias do Lazer pela UFMG (Brasil)

Graduação em Educação Física pela UFMG.

Barbara Evrard, Universidade de Rouen (França)

Maître de Conférence UFR STAPS at Rouen University

Dominique Charrier, Universidade de Paris-Sud (Paris XI)

Maître de Conférence (HDR) l’UFR STAPS at Paris-Sud University.



How to Cite

Castilho, C. T., Evrard, B., & Charrier, D. (2018). Child Sex Tourism into Question in the Context of the 2014 World Cup. Revista Estudos Feministas, 26(2).


