Black Women in São Paulo Carnivals: Who Are They? (1921-1967)


  • Zélia Lopes da Silva Universidade Estadual Paulista



The analysis regarding the participation of black women in carnival celebrations falls within well beyond the group's interests, considering that these festivities’ paradigms and gender and women's issues cross the subject, inscribing the agenda in transnational reflections involving protagonists of different spectra. In this text, the main intention is to articulate these fields, without losing sight of the specifics related to Afro-descendant revellers and their mishaps, which manifest themselves immediately in the limitations of memorial records and historiography that transversally explore their role in these Sao Paulo unmistakable carnival frolics. In this sense, it is possible to see a sexist and selective reading of records of these appearances and, at the same time, it has a fragmented memory of this appearance that little has changed over the years. This route will be monitored between years 1921, the start date of black women appearance in a "carnival cord", and 1967, the closing date of São Paulo "unofficial” carnivals. Therefore, who are the black women who were identified and worthy of this protagonism?


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Author Biography

Zélia Lopes da Silva, Universidade Estadual Paulista

Zélia Lopes da Silva é Livre Docente em História do Brasil pela Unesp. Leciona no Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da mesma Universidade, no campus de Assis. Tem pesquisado temas referentes ao período republicano brasileiro, focando questões sociais e culturais como o carnaval e o patrimônio cultural, com base em fontes diversas, inclusive materiais iconográficos como a caricatura. Publicou artigos e alguns livros, coletivos e individualmente, a exemplo de Dimensões da cultura e da sociabilidade: os festejos carnavalescos da cidade de São Paulo (1940 – 1964), (2015).



How to Cite

Silva, Z. L. da. (2018). Black Women in São Paulo Carnivals: Who Are They? (1921-1967). Revista Estudos Feministas, 26(2).


