Travesti Textual (insubmiss) Manifestations
The binary, heterosexual and compulsory cisgenerity as a regime of governance (FOUCAULT, 1979) determined for a long time, assumptions of deep marks in the established norms. The norms, marked by the regime, chained the sexual and gender multiplicities outside of what was understood by society in Brazil and in much of the world. The repulsive and marginalized mark printed by the assumptions of cis-hetero-governamentality of gender and sex identities in Brazil has its emergence from the studies that named the first cyborg bodies (HARAWAY, 1994) in Brazil as male nouns. Moreover, such dynamic marked, travestis bodies, in a non-place condition. Many studies have trenched through colonized valleys in an attempt to describe travestis subjectivities, in addition to gender essentialisms (PRECIADO, 2017). This manifesto, along the lines of others, seeks to present from a travetis thought, paths crossed by transfeminism and transativism, to a travesti future, marked by struggle, affection and the presence of these lives and practices (transformative) in all (anti) social strata that operate with the power of negativity (HALBERSTAN, 2012).
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