A dip in the “Morro do Querosene” and meeting with the artists of the invisible: reflections about art, community, affection and psychosocial praxis





The present work is a reflection about art, community and affection with focus on the analysis of the affectations that popular culture promotes in a neighborhood. The theoretical benchmark is the Vigotski's psychological understanding as socio-historical phenomenon by retrieving the positivity of emotions and conception of art as a language of emotions. The reflections are based on a survey made at Morro do Querosene, located in the most populous city and greater purchasing power of Brazil, which has a history marked by art and culture. They show that the popular culture when performed on the streets favors holds meetings that favor community settings, alongside the explicitiness the contradictions and power relationships that pervade the daily lives of the residents. The reports of two masters of diferents cultural expressions,  bumba meu boi and  capoeira,  suggest that it is possible to build personal and urban life other means, offering subsidies potentiating psychosocial praxis of acting in common.


Author Biographies

Lívia Maria Camilo dos Santos, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Doutoranda no Programa de Psicologia Social da PUC SP. Grande área: Ciências Humanas / Área: Psicologia / Subárea: Psicologia Social/Especialidade: Psicologia Sócio Histórica.

Bader Burihan Sawaia, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo

Professora titular do Programa de Estudos Pós-Graduados em Psicologia Social da PUC-SP.  Coordenadora do GT/CNPq Afetividade e a dialética exclusão/inclusão, do NEXIN - Núcleo de pesquisas psicossociais da dialética exclusão/inclusão da PUCSP e membro do GT/ANPEPP



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