Notes on family-school relationship in contemporaneity


  • Fábio Kalil Souza Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe (IFS), Aracaju/SE



The development of any human being can be conceived in an intercontextual way. During its existence, it goes through, especially, two unquestionable development contexts: the family and the school. Understanding how these agencies operate both separately and interconnectedly in the process of coming-into-being of the individual is foundational to make this matter visible. The relationship between such agencies becomes the focus. This theoretical article presents a non-exhaustive study of family-school relationship. The methodology used is a literature review, which includes results from national and international research. The author moves on the topic describing the main contributions of the investigations. It was concluded that the family-school relationship, taken as essential to the development of the subject, is charged with ambivalence, conflicts, inequalities, contradictions, but also with cooperation, partnership and complementarity of actions, depending on how the game interrelation between those involved happens and the presence of various sociocultural factors.

Author Biography

Fábio Kalil Souza, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe (IFS), Aracaju/SE

Fábio Kalil Souza é pedagogo do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Sergipe, mestre em Educação pela Universidade Federal da Bahia-UFBA.

Endereço: Rua Tobias Barreto, n. 538, Centro. Lagarto-SE. CEP 494000-000


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