Genealogy as a historical method of analysis of practices and power relations
The methodological issue is very important in the historical analyses of Michel Foucault thus in different moments of its intellectual and academic production he develops, applies and literally experience different strategies and methodological problematization - propositions in terms of “archeology of knowledge”, “genealogy of power” and “genealogy of ethics”. But talking about methods in the context of his historical studies is problematic as a priori there are no unitary proposals with define and settle procedures, but there are indications - “prudence rules” - problematizations - and mobile strategies - applicable to problems and questions in different situations and context. The reflection introduced by this article drives you into some methodological pathways in some Foucault´s genealogical studies, -not intending to be part of a unitary and settle method but directing to possibilities of methodological application through a genealogical perspective. This reflection intends to highlight political consequences of using genealogical strategies of analyses.
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PRADO FILHO, K. “Uma história crítica da subjetividade no pensamento de Michel Foucault”. In: FALCÃO, L.F. & SOUZA, P. (Orgs.). Michel Foucault: perspectivas. Rio de Janeiro: Achiamé, 2005, p.41-50.
PRADO FILHO, K. “Uma Genealogia das práticas de normalização nas sociedades ocidentais modernas”. In: CAPONI, S.; VERDI,M.; BRZOZOWSKY, F.S. & HELLMANN, F. (Orgs.). Medicalização da vida: Ética, saúde pública e indústria farmacêutica. Palhoça: EDUNISUL, 2010, p.183-191.
PRADO FILHO, K. & TETI, M.M. A cartografia como método para as ciências humanas e sociais. Barbaroi (UNISC. Online), v.1, p.45-59, 2013
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