Jornalism and literature on the internet


  • Marcos Palácios Universidade Federal da Bahia



Since 1995 I have tried to dedicate at least a part of my academic and teaching activities to accompany the parallel development, yet divergent of two discursive typologies: Online Journalism and hyperfiction literature, having experimented with the teaching and production of both and, specially, trying to make a bridge between the two matrixes to understand the specialties of each one of them, beginning with an comparative effort. Established at the same moment in the new midiatic support, and thus subjected to the same technological possibilities and limitations, Online Journalism and hyperfiction follow, through these ten years, very diverging destinies. What explanations could be suggested for such divergence? How to explain the success of webjournalism, that spreads itself through the Internet and multiplies models of news availability with the ever-growing utilization of the specific characteristics of the telematic support (hypertextuality, interactivity, multimidiality, personalization, memory, continual update), while the prose fictional text seems to be stagnated or in latency, still not having found expressive forms suitable to its most fulfilling development in the new environment of production made possible by the telematic webs. Contrarily to poetry, that has adapted very well in the Internet, hyperfiction has still not rooted itself in the new support. Why? These are questions that rout the present article.




