Specific coocurrences and graphical representations: Hyperbase’s new “theme”


  • Laurent Vanni Universidade Nice Sophia Antipolis




Finding word cooccurrences and calculating the specificity scores is one of the most popular statistical methods in the analysis of textual data.  Within Hyperbase, there is a “theme” feature for this purpose, which is capable of locating words that are used more commonly near a given word form, grammatical structure or lemma.  The graphical representation of such an analysis is often challenging; more than a list of the cooccurring words, it should be able to indicate the order, the score and the relations between pairs of words.  Now that Hyperbase has a Web version, this article proposes a new approach for the “theme” feature:  the calculation of cooccurrences has been extended to include the second level.  The accompanying graphical representation is betting on new visual features in order to simplify reading the results and render the underlying calculation more explicit.

Author Biography

Laurent Vanni, Universidade Nice Sophia Antipolis

Ingénieur en développement et déploiement d'applications au laboratoire BCL - UMR 7320 : Bases, Corpus, Langage. Master 2 IFI, Systèmes, Sécurité et Réseaux, Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis.




