Self-referential paratexts and today's writer


  • Everton Vinicius de Santa Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



For some time the condition and status of digitally interferes, changes, resets the status of the literary text and its reception largely because of what I call paratexts self-referential. The objective of this paper is to discuss some of the nuances of the process of self-disclosure of writers present in the literature of the present. Thus, this accentuates the idea that we are experiencing an exacerbation of several selves, or of several personas. So, this is more and more intrinsic to literary practices and daily practices of our interpersonal relationships, inside and outside the digital world. For this, it is based on the premise that it acts in this process of spectacularization and construction of a personal and authorial image, the self-referential paratexts. The spectacle of today, in literature and criticism, puts on the scene the persona that one wants to show to the public. In fact, this process is diluting the boundaries between real and fictional, the reader and the writer. Today's show, literature and criticism, puts into play the persona who wants to show the public, diluting the boundaries between real and fictional, between the reader and the writer.

Author Biography

Everton Vinicius de Santa, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Pós-doutorando no Programa de Pós-graduação em Literatura da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.


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