Experimentation and prudence in the rhizomatic thought of Deleuze and Guattari
The rhizomatic perspective in Deleuze and Guattari's thought consists in a "rupture of scale" of analysis of reality, in which we no longer perceive it as pure unity, either in the subject or in the object. Hereupon, they make us notice that the classical thought, philosophical and scientific, never allowed the rhizomatic multiplicities they propose to be understood, where every form of unity is excluded. From the rhizomatic operation of subtraction the unit as a reference image for all multiplicity (n-1), we observe a way to approach realities that emerges from three sets of lines that compose ourselves, individuals or groups, and that are distributed in a plane of immanence in which they relate continuously. The analyses of the lines and their relationships bring us closer to the question of the novelty’s creation or production and the becoming in the work of Deleuze and Guattari. The task is to open up the practical problems in order to free the lines, whether those of a life, an individual or a society, but in this case it is necessary to convoke experimentations in which one must proceed with prudence. In this sense, this practical philosophy must necessarily be understood as an ethic, and what we intend here is precisely to think about how this dynamic and immanent way of evaluating the risks and factors of creation that constantly present themselves at the most diverse levels of reality is configured.
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MENGUE, Philippe. Gilles Deleuze ou le système du multiple. Paris: Édition Kimé, 1994.
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