Rhizoma: conceptual power to Library and Information Science
The article highlights the functioning of the rhizome concept in science and philosophy, with the purpose of identifying the differences that are evident when it is approached in Deleuzoguattariana philosophy and in the social and human sciences. The objective is to analyze how the rhizome concept is appropriate in library and information science (LIS). The notion of rhizome in the writings of Deleuze and Guattari and in the LIS bibliography were explored and described, through bibliographic review and conceptual analysis. It was found that the concept presents different configurations when stated in science and philosophy. In science, greater sense stability is sought, while in philosophy the concept may have meaning linked to a single work. The notion of rhizome is flexible on the philosophical plane and, although it looks for definitions in the LIS, it is a polysemic term. The rhizome concept is potentially important for exploring innovations in the studies of knowledge organization, classification and information retrieval.
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