Imagined Constructions: the aesthetics of digital intervention


  • Denize Correa Araujo Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná - UTP



This study aims to analyze the impact of digital intervention, having as corpus images from three films with creative constructions, of persuasion and seduction, creating virtual illusions: SimOne (Andrew Niccol, 2002), The App (Elisa Fukasa, 2019) and Her (Spike Jonze, 2013). The protagonist of The App is tricked into believing that he is talking to someone who is intriguing; Her's protagonist, despite accepting virtuality, must admit the end of his digital experience. In SimOne, the invention of the actress's image persuades viewers, but for a limited time. I present, as relevant, Peter Weibel's (2005) concepts of “post-media computer possibilities”, which Lev Manovich (2001) calls “post-media aesthetics”, but I suggest another possibility, when applying the concept of “aesthetics of hypervention” , “hyper” based on Baudrillard's hyperreality and “vention” as a digital invention / intervention. The methodology adopted for the analysis is based on Hans-Georg Gadamer´s dialectics. 

Author Biography

Denize Correa Araujo, Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná - UTP

PhD em Literatura Comparada, Cinema e Artes - Univ of California, Riverside, USA; Pós Doutorado em Cinema e Artes Univ do Algarve, Portugal Docente do PPGCom UTP Linha de Pesquisa Estudos de Cinema e Audiovisual Coordenadora do GT Imagem e Imaginários Midiáticos - Compós; Chair do GT Visual Culture IAMCR


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