Self-narrators — artists, creators and readers, from printed poems to digital creations


  • Alckmar Luiz dos
  • Isabela Melim Borges Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



Subjectivity, Digital Literature, Mallarmé


The purpose of this article is to think and discuss subjectivity in contemporary poetry, starting from the one proposed by the movement of Concrete poetry to the one that is presented in the works of digital literatures. This argument has as its starting point the “verse crisis”, established by Mallarmé. It is from this proposal of the French poet's, especially when he deals with a duality between prose and verse which leads to a displacement of poetic subjectivity, that we try to draw a line to guide the debate about how this subjectivity acts in digital literatures.


MALLARMÉ, Stéphane. Divagações. Tradução e apresentação Fernando Scheibe. Florianópolis: Ed. da UFSC, 2010.

MALLARMÉ, Stéphane. Um Lance de Dados. Introdução, organização e tradução Álvaro Faleiros. Cotia, SP: Ateliê Editorial, 2013.

SISCAR, Marcos. Poesia e crise: ensaios sobre a “crise da poesia” como topos da modernidade. Campinas, SP: Editora da Unicamp, 2010.

MERLEAU-PONTY, Maurice. Signes. Paris : Les Éditions Gallimard, 1960.

