About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Working Papers em Linguística is a journal pbulished by the Graduate Program in Linguistics of the Federal University of Santa Catarina since 1997.

The journal is biannually published and focuses on the many knowledge fields related to language.

Peer Review Process

The journal presents an Editorial Board of specialists of prominent knowledge in the linguistics field.

The manuscripts, which must fall under the editorial and policies' scope, are selected and evaluated by the Editorial Board and by two referees, specialists on the work's content, through blind peer-review. The manuscripts that do not follow the author guidelines or are not covered by the journal's scope are immediately rejected by the Editorial Board.

Manuscripts may be accepted without restriction, with required changes or reject. In the case of a favorable and an unfavorable decision, the work is sent to a third referee. Ortography, grammar, textualization or citing and references style may be modified for publishing, respecting the author's stylistics choices. When substantial changes are required, the author is contacted.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers free immediate access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available freely to the public leads to better global democratization of knowledege.

Esta revista oferece acesso livre imediato ao seu conteúdo, seguindo o princípio de que disponibilizar gratuitamente o conhecimento científico ao público proporciona maior democratização mundial do conhecimento.

Submission and processing fees

The journal does not charge submission and/or processing fees.

Digital Preservation

The Working Papers em Linguística Journal is concerned with ensuring long-term access to its content. In case any incident occurs in the serves, the digital files of the journal are preserved in the Rede Cariniana, using the LOCKSS program. LOCKSS creates a file system distributed among the participating libraries, which allows them to create permanent files of their journals for preservation and restoration.