Semantico-lexical potentials in the (re)construction of the referent in sign languages
Sign language, Referencing, Semantic-lexical perspective, HyperonymyAbstract
The significant referential (re)construction is permeated by the progression of discourse objects, which implies, on the part of the interlocutors, lexical choices revealed from cognitive, social and interactional activities in the discursive environment in which they find themselves (Reis; Quadros , 2023). In this sense, from the theoretical perspective of Text Linguistics and Lexical Semantics, with a focus on the studies of sign languages, this work aims to reflect on the (re)construction of the referent in the discursive space of signage and its semantic- lexical expressions, specifically in Libras, in the face of occurrences of direct anaphora due to hyperonymy in textual excerpts from the Portuguese Language (LP). In order to meet the objective in question, research of a basic nature, of a qualitative nature, based on a bibliographical review perspective, as well as documents, is adopted as a methodology. Therefore, the research consists of the Portuguese-Libras Parallel Corpus, guided by Corpus Linguistics. Considering that Libras, like any sign language, is organized spatially, simultaneously and visually, we had few cases similar to those adopted in the source language (LP). Most of the analyzes in the Libras glosses presented characteristics of the language itself in the constitution of the semantic-lexical referential process. In other words, with regard to the (re)construction of the referent in the discursive space of signaling and its semantic-lexical relationships in Libras, it is possible to highlight that the lexical elements are not restricted to their characteristics given a priori, but update them. in the discursive space of signaling, gaining new meanings, thus revealing the creative character of the textual chain, in which the referents reach different semantic-lexical potentialities during the referential process.
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