Variation and change in the uses of the light verbs dar, fazer, ter and tomar: a functional-constructionist approach


  • Maria Angélica Furtado da Cunha UFRN



Usage-based Functional Linguistics, Constructional approach, Light verbs, Collocates


This paper analyzes the construction formed with the light verbs dar (give), fazer (make), ter (have) and tomar (take) + NP. The main goal is to investigate the processes of variation and change undergone by these verbs and their collocates in two synchronies – the 18th and 20th centuries – based on real instances of grammar in use. The theoretical framework adopted is Usage-Based Functional Linguistics, with contributions from Construction Grammar (Furtado da Cunha; Bispo, 2013; Oliveira; Rosário, 2016). This study assumes the hypothesis that clauses with these verbs are used to satisfy well-defined, discursively motivated communicative and cognitive demands. The analysis methodology is qualitative-quantitative (Cunha Lacerda, 2016). The data from the XX century are sourced from different corpora comprising speech and writing situations, and the diachronic investigation uses the corpus of the Tycho Brahe project as its research universe. The results obtained show that, in the most recent synchrony, the combinations [Light Verb + NP] are recurrent in the discursive use of the language, forming a form-function pairing unit – a construction – which is relatively rigid in positional and lexical terms. The data collected made it possible to see that these combinations vary within each synchrony and between the synchronies observed. From a diachronic point of view, they have undergone changes in terms of the placement and ordering of the NP that co-occurs with the light verbs.


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