Discurse analysis of institutional repositories
In this paper, we present a discourse analysis of Institutional Repositories (RI) from the notions of archive, discursive formations, enunciative event, among others, as part of the theoretical device of Discourse Analysis. Firstly, we approach the difference between the notions of institutional archive and discursive archive describing the first as empirical, for which the archive is determined politically (among other factors), while the second is symbolic, and is determined historically and ideologically. Then we propose the RI as an enunciative event in the discourse of libraries. Finally, we consider the RI as a discursivity whose operations are in consonance with the Oralwriting Discourse. Along the analysis, we present several effects of meaning that are produced from this mode of operation and that cover institutional appropriation and productification of scientific-academic knowledge, while exposing that RI seems to operate as a shop window in which institutions can expose knowledge that is taken as ‘its own production’.
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