The aerodynamics of [m] and [n] nasal consonants in Brazilian Portuguese




The present study aims to describe the aerodynamics of the [m] and [n] nasal consonants of the Brazilian Portuguese, by using computer technology and simultaneous collection of both acoustic and aerodynamic data, under a dynamic perspective of speech production. Five adults were recorded; three females and two males, aged from 25 to 52 years. The corpus included 20 logatomes embedded in carrier sentences. The context of tonicity and the context of the preceding vowel varied. Speech data were collected through the EVA Station (Evaluation Vocale Assistée) and piezoelectric instruments. The analysis of the data collected through the EVA Station concerned the curve characteristics of the oral aerial flow (OAF) and those of the nasal aerial flow (NAF), while the analysis of data collected through the piezoelectric concerned the values of the NAF curves. The results indicated, for both male and female participants, similarities between [m] and [n] consonants: very low amplitude in the OAF curves, which indicated some occlusion in the passage of air through the oral cavity; and NAF curves with plain configuration and with greater amplitude in relation to the underlying vowels. Therefore, the aerodynamic behavior of NAF during the production of [m] and [n] allowed for articulatory interference that showed that the velic gesture of these consonants are composed of three tempos: opening, plateau and closing. Additionally, there were significant differences among the aerodynamic parameters related to the [m] and [n] consonants, regarding the contexts of tonicity and preceding vowel. Hence, the aerodynamic characteristics pointed to the dynamic nature of nasal consonants of Brazilian Portuguese.

Author Biographies

Michele Gindri Vieira, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Doutorado em Linguística (2017) pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC). Professora Temporária no Curso de Fonoaudiologia da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) no período de abril-julho de 2013. Professora da Associação Educacional Luterana Bom Jesus - IELUSC no período de novembro de 2014 a julho de 2016. Formação em Reiki (Prática integrativa e complementar). Trabalha no Centro Catarinense de Reabilitação (CCR) - Centro Especializado em Reabilitação (CERII) da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de Santa Catarina.

Izabel Christine Seara, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Professora Associada da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Supervisora do Laboratório de Fonética Aplicada (FONAPLI) do Departamento de Língua e Literatura Vernáculas da UFSC (2006-2018). Participa de dois projetos internacionais: Atlas Multimídia Prosódico do Espaço Românico-Língua Portuguesa (AMPER-POR), desde 2008, e do Projeto Interphonologie du Français Contemporain (IPFC), desde 2012. Além desses projetos, desenvolve os projetos: A variedade dialetal florianopolitana: análises segmentais e suprassegmentais e Análise acústica, aerodinâmica e articulatória da fala. Temas de pesquisa: entoação - prosódia e suas interfaces, detalhamento acústico-aerodinâmico-articulatório de segmentos de fala, síntese e reconhecimento de fala e interfonologia francês/português brasileiro, línguas indígenas. 

