The multifunctionality of "aliás": semantic values in functional perspective




This article aims to study the linguistic element “aliás”, observed in different contexts of use in which it is recruited. According to the Brazilian Grammar Nomenclature (NGB), “aliás” is classified as a denoting word of rectification. In grammars and dictionaries by established authors, this item is classified according to the NGB and as an adverb. During the research, we verify the categorical fluctuation of this element, which also assumes characteristics of conjunction, reformulative connector and argumentative operator, in addition to the aforementioned traditional classification. We observe its frequency and uses in oral texts of the Discourse & Grammar corpus in the light of Usage-based Functional Linguistics. The analyzed factors, based on the semantic aspect, are the following: positions in the texts, frequency of use, education levels and textual genres. The analysis points out that this element, widely used in Brazilian Portuguese, serves the various discursive functions, such as reformulation, integral rectification, partial rectification, inclusion (of arguments), among others. Notwithstanding the classification imposed by the NGB, the results point to a versatility of this linguistic element when analyzed in the contexts in which it is instantiated.

Author Biography

Nice da Silva Ramos, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Mestre em Linguística pela Universidade Federal Fluminense e professora de Língua Portuguesa da Rede Estadual do Rio de Janeiro.


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