The Spanish influence on the lexical nature of differential object marking in Old Portuguese




Cases in which the direct object is morphologically marked by a preposition are classified as instances of Differential Object Marking (DOM). Moreover, the lexical nature of the object is pointed out as a trigger to DOM. This paper aims to investigate the lexical nature of marked objects and to verify its relationship with the hypothesis of Spanish influence on DOM in Old Portuguese. This hypothesis is motivated by the increase of occurrences of the phenomenon in the 17th century. From 1580 until 1640, Portugal and Spain were a political unit, and consequently, there was contact between the Portuguese and Spanish languages. Through the analysis of texts from the 16th to the 19th centuries, the lexical nature of DOM cases was investigated. Besides, the marked and unmarked objects from the 16th and 17th centuries were compared in order to verify the extension of the Spanish influence on the objects in Portuguese. The analysis of the data confirms the initial hypothesis by the increase of DOM cases and shows that DOM can be triggered by full pronouns, address forms, titles of nobility, and certain DPs, such as deity names and proper names.


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