Still on defense of an interface between sociolinguistics and grammaticalization
In this paper, we insist on the defense of a theoretical-methodological conciliation proposal between two linguistic theories concerned with linguistic change – Grammaticalization and Sociolinguistics – highlighting the pioneering of Brazilian Linguistics in the elaboration of this proposal, which turned to be known as “Sociofunctionalism”. To address the points of convergence and divergence between Grammaticalization Theory and Variation and Linguistic Change Theory, we start from the Naro and Braga (2000) and Görski e Tavares’ (2013) papers, since they were the first authors to answer relevant questions that would lead to the interface between these two theoretical models. We illustrate this proposal of conciliation with cases of grammaticalized cursive verbal periphrases that can be approached from a sociofunctionalist perspective. First, we test two grammaticalization criteria – frequency of use and parameters of auxiliarity – and then we show the contexts of variation between the periphrases. Therefore, we provide evidence for the relevance of this proposal.
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