The variable use of [-ste] on the Tal qual dublagens page and the construction of social identity


  • Kamilla Oliveira do Amaral Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



The present study aims to analyze the variable realizations of [-STE] in the Instagram webpage Tal Qual Dublagens, verifying the existence of social identity meanings indexed by the referred morpheme. For this research we have observed the interactional dynamics of the page, which we interpret as a community of practice (ECKERT, 2006), and analyzed 302 occurrences of [-STE], mapped during the virtual ethnography (HINE, 2000) carried out on the page. From the analysis we verified that [-STE] has five alternative forms that are related to morphological alterations: -ste, -stes, -stis, -rte and -rtes. Each one of the five forms indexes concomitantly four different layers of meaning: one referring to the referential meaning of morpheme (second person singular expression) and three associated to socioidentitarian meanings, including meaning of macrossociological identity; of regional identity and of gay identity. The simultaneous action of these four layers expresses a notion of plural identity, called social group identity.

Author Biography

Kamilla Oliveira do Amaral, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Mestre em Linguística pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


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