From Pico Island (in the Azores, Portugal) to Desterro Island (currently Florianópolis in Brazil): prosodic-entonational aspects




Prosodic-intonational aspects, Lagoa da Conceição (Florianópolis), Madalena do Pico (Azores), Azorean influence


This synchronic study deals with prosodic-intonational aspects of the Lagoa da Conceição (Desterro Island - currently Florianópolis - Santa Catarina - Brasil) and Madalena do Pico (Island of Pico - Azores). Based on the focus on neutral declarative and total interrogative modalities, we look for indications of the presence of the Azores on the Island of Santa Catarina, colonized by Azoreans. This study was carried out within the scope of the AMPER-POR Project (Prosodic Multimedia Atlas of Romance Languages - Portuguese Language) and the methodology used was the one established by the project. We analyzed 108 sentences for each community. The parameters analyzed were: contour of F0 curves, F0 peaks and their alignments in the nuclear region of the sentences, duration and intensity of vowels, and difference between the maximum value and the minimum value of F0 in each sentence (tessitura). For all these parameters, we observed differences between the data from Lagoa da Conceição and Madalena do Pico. We compared these data with those of other Florianopolitan (Santo Antônio de Lisboa and Ribeirão da Ilha) and Azorean communities (Fenais da Ajuda (São Miguel) e Vila Nova (Terceira)), depicted in Moutinho; Seara (2019), referring to the F0 peak and its syllable alignment, as well as we have noticed similarities between Lagoa da Conceição and the other Florianopolitan and Azorean communities, mainly for the intonational nuclei formed by paroxyton and proparoxyton. However, there were no similarities between the data from Madalena do Pico and the other communities. The obtained results show very peculiar characteristics and a very evident gap between the two communities focused on the present study. Therefore, more in-depth analyzes are essential for these characteristics to be confirmed as identities of the communities studied.

Author Biographies

Izabel Christine Seara, UFSC - Florianópolis - Brasil


Lurdes Moutinho, Universidade de Aveiro

Lurdes Castro Moutinho is a PhD in language / phonetics from the University of Strasbourg (France) in 1988, with equivalence to Portuguese PhD in Portuguese Linguistics, Univ. Aveiro, 1991. It is an integrated researcher in CLLC, and coordinates one of the lines of research of the Language Sciences group. She has developed research in the field of sociolinguistics and phonetics / phonology. Since 1999, her research focuses Experimental Phonetics, focusing the study of prosodic variation. She has participated in national and international interdisciplinary projects, being on some of them the principal researcher.


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