Dialectal prosody and syntactic structures: preliminary results on the materialization of detachment in João Pessoa and Porto Alegre
Detached clauses, Dialect Prosody, Intonation, SyntaxAbstract
This article investigates the prosodic performance of adverbial clauses attached to the main sentence and detached clauses in the speeches of João Pessoa and Porto Alegre, based on the assumptions of Prosodic Phonology (Nespor; Vogel, 2007) and the Autosegmental and Metric model of Intonational Phonology (Pierrehumbert, 1980; Ladd, 2008). The corpus of analysis consists of 720 clauses - 360 from each location - and the melodic contour, duration and range of variation of the F0 at the end of the intonation phrase (IP) were observed. The study of the phenomenon in the speech of informants from João Pessoa and Porto Alegre aims to observe if regional phonetic features, previously described in prosodic studies on neutral assertive sentences (Cunha, 2000; Lira, 2009; Silva, 2011; Silvestre 2012; Castelo, 2016), also manifest themselves in the detached clauses of João Pessoa and Porto Alegre or if they are neutralized by the specific syntactic construction. The results reveals that the lengthening of the final syllables is an important characteristic for the materialization of the detachment phenomenon in all the dialects studied and that there are, even in this specific syntactic structure, features related to regional prosody. In João Pessoa, is consistently observed the H + L * tone at the beginning of the IPs and the melodic rise of the post-tonic syllable at the end of the utterances. In Porto Alegre, it's frequent the bitonal boundary HL% at the end of the IP, with a melodic fall after the stressed syllable, and this characteristic seems to differentiate the dialect of Porto Alegre.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Aline Ponciano Silvestre, Fernando Lima da Mota, Rafa Ribeiro Mendonça, Ya Delfino dos Santos

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