Description and categorization of blends in Libras
Blends, Sign Formation, LibrasAbstract
In blend constructions, terms are merged and part of the bases involved in this formation is erased, as in Portuguese: portunhol < português + espanhol (GONÇALVES, 2003) and in Turkish Sign Language: NEIGHBORHOOD < HOME + NEAR (MAKAROĞLU, 2021). Composition is similar to blending, in which words/signs are concatenated without deletion. The present work aims to describe and categorize the production of blends in Libras and to differentiate them from simultaneous compounds in this language. Our corpus was formed initially by searching for signs presented in letter A in Capovilla et al. (2017), in which we collected signs formed by two or more parts. We found 139 morphologically complex constructions, some of them involving more than one blend, totalizing 164 blends identified in this research. In our analysis, we identified six types of constructions shown as possible blend formations in different sign languages (XAVIER; NEVES, 2016; LEPIC, 2016; MAKAROĞLU, 2021). We have also found a new type of construction in which blend occurs between a sign and a non manual expression of other sign or one related to emotions. We have also identified blends occurring in new signs formation by compounding.
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