Attitude Anno Domini: musical resistance in the album Chaos A.D. of the band Sepultura


  • Marcos Daniel de Melo Ferreira CEFET-MG



This article proposes a reflection about the geopolitical conflicts and
biotechnological experiments present in the album Chaos A.D. of the brazilian
thrash metal band Sepultura. The songs of Chaos A.D. approach from
geopolitical conflicts to biotechnological experiments, attack the power that
is always shown as “will to power” and technics as “will to technics”. Chaos
A.D. comes to us with a poetic denouncer of the forces that operate favoring
control of the bodies and the narratives of the subject. As such, we depart
from Michel Foucault’s thinking of the resistance and its articulations about
the idea of control, as well the development of the concept of technics by
Umberto Galimberti and Glaucia Dunley.

