On Cosmic Philology
We witness, nowadays, a critical moment for the thinking process, expressed in similar manners along several study areas. Within philology, the exhaustion of the auerbachian mimetic model is experienced, as the notion of the lacanian Real takes over the western literary sensitivity. This assumption led to a morbid paradigm of existence, expressed in the works of Heidegger, Lacan and Agamben, as well as in the unbalanced contemporary readings of the biopolitical paradigm presented by Foucault, “to make live and to let die”, which tend to see only the fundaments of thanatopolitics in the encounters with the Thing. The present article sees to propose alternatives for the localization of an archiphilology in the domains of life against the Real, by refusing the anthropocentrism of the literary field. Exploring the gravitational theory of the Dutch theorist physicist Erik Verlinde, which suggests that gravity would be an emergent quality derived from the information which divides the emerged physical space and a second space yet to come, the inorganicity of literature diagnosed by the battailean maxim would be taken to an Other place. The desire to express imagetically a world to come would not be within human monopoly, but express in a cosmic behavior forever indifferent to the ruins of mimetic tradition.Downloads
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