The conquest of a lyricism of liberation: a reading of Libertinagem, by Manuel Bandeira




Libertinagem; Manuel Bandeira, Lyricism of liberation


This article intends to make a reading of Libertinagem, fourth poetry book of Manuel Bandeira, starting from the hypothesis that, in this work, one can glimpse the conquest of a lyricism of liberation, which provides a poetic libertinage that is not reduced to disorder, meaningless. In fact, this libertinage constitutes a crossing through different themes and forms, which lead the reader to possibilities that do not fit into conceptualizations. For this, we shall, in dialogue with the thought of Martin Heidegger about the poetic, listen to the saying of the language that resonates in the interpreted poems, without the adoption of previously formulated interpretive methods, because we understand the interpretation as an exercise in letting the work speak for itself, not as the imposition of theories prior to its manifestation. Finally, we will also dialogue with authors who make up the critical fortune of Bandeira and with others who, in some way, contribute to an interpretive journey that goes beyond the undeniable importance of Libertinagem for Brazilian Modernism, glimpsing, thus, some of its possibilities: the serious reflection, the fine humor, the creative perception of everyday life, the poetic evocation of the past and the desire to write a last poem.


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Modernismo brasileiro 100 anos: crítica, heranças, perspectivas