About the Journal


Build an open space for researchers, teachers, students and professionals who wish to make the results of their research on administrative topics available.

Disseminate scientific production in Administration Sciences, aiming to contribute to the discussion and development of knowledge. The target audience is made up of researchers, teachers, students and professionals who carry out studies and research on topics related to the Journal's thematic areas.

JAS is interested in publishing theoretical and theoretical-empirical articles adopting the "open access" philosophy, allowing free and unrestricted access to its content, in the following thematic areas:

  • Finance;
  • Organization and Society;
  • Strategy and Marketing;
  • Production and Development;
  • University Management.

Peer review process

The evaluation process of articles submitted to JAS occurs in two stages: Preliminary evaluation and evaluation by two or more referees.

Preliminary assessment: consists of a preliminary assessment by the Editor-in-Chief together with a member of the Scientific Editorial Board, whenever the Editor-in-Chief deems it necessary, which analyzes the adequacy of the work to the Journal's editorial line, the guidelines for authors, the scope and aspects such as the contribution and originality of the text. Only works considered relevant to the journal's readers will proceed to the next stage of evaluation.

Double peer review: the article is sent for consideration by two reviewers who are members of the team of evaluators, using the double blind peer review system. The criteria for evaluating the article take into account the relevance of the topic, the originality of the contribution in the thematic areas of Administration Sciences, the clarity of the text, the adequacy of references, the structuring and theoretical development, the methodology used, the conclusions and the contribution offered to knowledge in the area.

Review of Articles after Reviewers’ Assessment

After evaluation of the articles by the Reviewers, and the assessment of a member of the Scientific Editorial Board, the recommended articles undergo the following reviews: a) by the authors, to review the adjustments recommended by the evaluators; and b) by the technical committee of the Journal of Administration Science, to review the standardization, the Portuguese language, the English language and the final formatting of the article.

Participation of external evaluators in the review process

The Journal's body of evaluators is made up of professors and researchers linked to Universities in Brazil and abroad to Postgraduate programs in Administration (Master's and Doctorate).


The periodicity of the Journal of Administration Science is annual, with submissions received and published in a continuous flow. Each year, approximately 30 unpublished articles are published.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater global democratization of knowledge. The reading of articles from the Journal of Administration Science can be done online without prior registration. The Journal of Administration Science, following the recommendations of the Open Access movement, provides its content in Full Open Access. Therefore, authors retain all their rights, allowing the journal to publish their articles and make them available to the entire community.

Journal of Administration Science content is licensed under a Creative Commons Atribución 4.0 CC-BY-NC

Any person has the right to:

a) Share - copy, download, print or redistribute the material in any medium or format.

According to the following terms:

Attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

No additional restrictions - You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything that the license permits.

For the management of the editorial process, we use the Open Journal System, an open-source software developed by the Public Knowledge Project, with the aim of enhancing the academic and public quality of research.

Digital Preservation

The Scientific Journal of Administration Science concerns access to content within the established deadline. Upon the cancellation of any of the servers, our digital files are preserved on the Cariniana Network through the LOCKSS program, which creates a file system distributed among the participating libraries, allowing them to create permanent files for conservation and restoration.


Qualis - CAPES

JAS is classified in CAPES Qualis as A3, in the area of public and business administration, accounting sciences and tourism.


The Journal's Editorial Team follows the standards contained in the ANPAD Manual of Good Practices for Scientific Publication. Click here to access the document.Clique aqui para acessar o documento.

Statistics from the Journal of Administration Sciences

In update.

Journal history

In 1998, Professors Dante Marciano Girardi, Liane Carly Hermes ZaneIla, Mario de Souza Almeida, Rolf Hermann Erdmann and Valeska Nahas Guimarães formed the first Editorial Committee of JAS, with Professor Joao Nilo Linhares as Chief Editor.

Since then, several Professors from the Department of Management Sciences have participated in the development of JAS, up to the present day. Two issues were published per year until 2006 and, from 2007, three issues were published per year. In 2015, the first special edition was published. From 2023 onwards, the publication process began in a continuous flow, adopting one issue per year, with 30 articles published.