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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal.
  • Submission files are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or other text editor format.
  • All addresses from web pages (URLs) contained in the text (eg are activated and ready to click.
  • The paper is in accordance with the guidelines described in the Author Guidelines.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines
  • The author identification of the work was removed from the file properties, thus guaranteeing the journal's confidentiality criteria, according to instructions available at Ensuring Blind Peer Review.
  • The authors' data in the submission was completed completely, including: Author's name, email, Academic affiliation, ORCID id, Biography summary (up to 100 words), City, State and Country.
  • The number of authors per article does not exceed the limit of 4 (four) autors.
  • I certify that I participated in the conception of the work, in part or in full, that I did not omit any connections or financing agreements between the authors and companies that may be interested in publishing this article. I certify that the text is original and that the work, in part or in full, or any other work with substantially similar content, authored by me, has not been sent to another journal and will not be sent while its publication is being considered by Revista Ciências da Administration, whether in printed or electronic format.

Author Guidelines

The Revista de Ciências da Administração only accepts unpublished articles, and the submitted article cannot be under consideration in another publication vehicle. Articles can be submitted in Portuguese, English, or Spanish, and the journal's official publication is in the Portuguese language. The writing of the text resulting from research, whether in progress or already completed, of a theoretical or theoretical-empirical nature, must present a clear, concise and objective style highlighting the theoretical-methodological foundation, procedures used in the research and results achieved.

Editorial Standards

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check the submission for compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the standards will be immediately rejected.

1. Texts may be submitted in Portuguese, English or Spanish, presenting the title, abstract and keywords in the three languages.

2. Texts must be written in accordance with the American Psychological Association (APA, current) article presentation guidelines.

3. Texts must have the following format:
a) paper format = A4;
b) text editor: Word for Windows 6.0 or later;
c) margins: APA (top, bottom, left and right 2.5 cm);
d) font: Times News Roman, size 12, line spacing 2,0;
e) number of words: between 7,000 and 10,000.

4. The article file must contain:
a) the title and subtitle (if any) of the text with only the first letter capitalized and the remaining letters lowercase;
b) the title and subtitle (if any): must clearly express the idea of the work;
c) structured summary: must contain the objective of the study; methodology/approach; originality/relevance; main results; theoretical/methodological contributions; social contributions/contribution to management. Written in up to 250 words;
d) keywords: must contain three to five, separated by periods;
e) introduction: must contain the contextualization of the topic, presentation of the gap and research question, objective, brief contextualization of the methodology, expected contributions/results;
f) development of the article: it can be divided into sections and subsections according to the approach to the topic and method;
g) conclusion: must present the final considerations, presenting a summary of the objectives, the main theoretical and practical contributions, the limitations of the study and suggestions for future research;
h) acknowledgments: it is recommended to include institutional acknowledgments to the funding agencies, in the respective metadata in the OJS system;
i) references: list only those cited in the text, which must be written in accordance with the current APA, including their respective DOI;
j) appendices and annexes: these are non-mandatory elements.

5. Citations in the body of the text must be written in accordance with the current APA.

6. The use of notes, quotes, graphs, tables, figures, charts, photographs, etc., must be limited to the essential minimum. Images must be in jpg. JAS is not responsible for low quality images included in the article.

7. Submitted files must not be paged.

8- Authorship should not appear in the submitted document, nor in the file properties.

9. The member of the Scientific Editorial Board responsible for the editorial process or the Editor may request data to be updated, even after approval.

10. Text review or translation costs will be incurred by the authors, when requested.

11. Reviewing the texts and the content is the responsibility of the authors of the articles.

12. JAS does not publish bibliometric articles.

14. Each author may have a maximum of one article published each year.

15. Metadata must be filled out correctly in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

16. The full name, email, academic affiliation, summary of the biography (up to 100 words) and ORCID ID of each author must be provided during the submission process.

Texts will be automatically rejected if they do not strictly observe the required format.

The Revista de Ciências da Administração does not charge article submission and processing fees (APC).

Editorial flow activities

After evaluation by peers, through a blind review system, and submitted for consideration by at least one member of the Scientific Editorial Board, the recommended articles undergo the following reviews:

a) by the authors, to review the adjustments recommended by the evaluators;

b) by the editorial committee of the Revista de Ciências da Administração, to review the standardization and final formatting of the article;

The textual and grammatical review of the Portuguese, English and Spanish languages, as well as technical standards, are the responsibility of the author.

In accordance with our bilingual publication policy, all articles will be published in English and in Portuguese or Spanish. Thus, after the article is accepted for its scientific merit, the authors will be responsible for providing the approved version of the text in a second language, accompanied by a translation declaration issued by a qualified professional, with the translator's identification data.
The authors are also responsible for carrying out the grammatical/spelling review of the language in which the article is written (Portuguese, English or Spanish) and the APA standard by a duly trained professional, presenting a Text Revision Declaration. The translated article, the translation attestation and the text revision declaration must be attached to the OJS platform as supplementary documents for the submission.

Privacy Statement

The General Data Protection Law (LGPD) is Brazilian legislation that deals with the protection of personal data and its processing by organizations, including academic institutions and scientific journals.

In compliance with what the LGPD recommends, all registrations carried out at JAS require the clear and informed consent of the people whose data is being collected, in addition to guaranteeing the security and privacy of this information.

Furthermore, JAS operates with transparency in data processing and gives people the right to access their own personal data and request its deletion, when applicable.

Furthermore, the names and addresses provided in the magazine's registration will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties.