Performance Management: Validation of a Measuring Instrument


  • Antero Rodrigues ISPA-Instituto Univeristário
  • Francisco Cesário ISPA-Instituto Univeristário
  • Filipa Castanheira Nova School of Business and Economics
  • Maria Chambel Universidade de Psicologia de Lisboa



The present research aims to validate and adapt a performance management measure in Portugal. In this study participated 1815. Stable and adequate psychometric properties were obtained (factorial validity, internal consistency and convergent validity). The measure consists of 28 items, divided into 5 factors (supervisor-employee relationship, favorable feedback, unfavorable feedback, document, and results), and coded on a 5-point Likert scale, which differs from the structure found by the originals authors. Furthermore, the relationship between this measure and the reaction to feedback was analyzed. We obtained a positive correlation between the sub-dimensions of this scale and the one regarding the reaction to feedback. In conclusion, this scale is a valuable asset as it allows a multidimensional perspective of performance management. In other words, it allows the analysis of the results following from the appraisal and the provision of valuable data regarding the communication of those results to the employees.

Author Biographies

Antero Rodrigues, ISPA-Instituto Univeristário

Doutorando em Psicologia, ISPA Instituto Universitário, Lisboa, PT.

Francisco Cesário, ISPA-Instituto Univeristário

Professor Auxiliar, ISPA Instituto Universitário, Lisboa e Universidade Europeia, Lisboa, PT.

Filipa Castanheira, Nova School of Business and Economics

Professora Auxiliar, Nova School of Business & Economics, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, PT.

Maria Chambel, Universidade de Psicologia de Lisboa

Professora Associada com agregação, Faculdade de Psicologia, Universidade de Lisboa, PT.



How to Cite

Rodrigues, A., Cesário, F., Castanheira, F., & Chambel, M. (2017). Performance Management: Validation of a Measuring Instrument. Revista De Ciências Da Administração, 1(1), 57–74.


