Satisfaction and motivation at work: insights about the percetion of distributive justice and strategic remuneration by individuals of generation Z




Organizational justice is a contemporary issue that has come to be seen by Generation Z functions. This study aims to verify an existing relationship between distributed justice, strategic statistics, and the factors of satisfaction and motivation of people generated by Z in the job market. As the methodology opted for the quantitative approach through an online survey sent to 13,000 individuals belonging to this generation, resulting in a sample of 1,112 people. An analysis of the results was performed using the SPSS® software for factor analysis and AMOS® for modeling selected equations. From the tested hypotheses, it was possible to verify the perception of Distribution Justice and Strategic Remuneration that influences Motivation and Satisfaction of Generation Z Indications in the job market. The findings reveal that it is not the type of remuneration that is most important, but the perception of earnings.

Author Biographies

Silvia Spagnol Simi dos Santos, UNOESC

Doutorando em Administração pela UNOESC e Professora na UNOESC.

Ana Maria Olivo, Unoesc

Doutoranda em Administração (UNOESC), técnica administrativa na UFFS.

David Rodrigo Petry, Unoesc

Doutorando em Administração pela UNOESC e Professor na UNOESC.

Ieda Margarete Oro, UNOESC

Doutora em Ciências Contábeis e Administração FURB. Professora do Mestrado e Doutorado em Administração da UNOESC.


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How to Cite

Spagnol Simi dos Santos, S., Olivo, A. M., Petry, D. R., & Oro, I. M. (2019). Satisfaction and motivation at work: insights about the percetion of distributive justice and strategic remuneration by individuals of generation Z. Journal of Administration Science, 21(54), 77–94.


