Women in leadership positions and its challenges in the labor market
This article study comprises the identification of the objectives and the main challenges that arise throughout the career of women. The methodology was developed through a qualitative approach, field research and the use of a semi-open structured questionnaire technique. Eleven women who served as leaders in 8 private institutions in northern Santa Catarina were selected. The collected data were formed with content analysis technique. The results showed that these women follow the line of the great majority of Brazilian women in leadership positions and present dissatisfaction with their salaries. The interviewees also recognized the difficulties of managing teams, leading and reconciling motherhood with work. The conclusion of the research demonstrated that, chauvinism is still perceived as a challenge when it comes to maternity, salary distinction, barriers to professional ambition, judgments about the appearance and the team's disrespect towards the female leadership figure. And, this imposes challenges to be understood by both management and literature.
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