The Factors determining the Degree of Severity of the Penalties imposed on Independent Auditors in Brazil
There has been a rise in the importance of auditing in capital markets through trust and credibility, as a result of business expansion. In light of this, the purpose of this research study is to discover the factors that determine the kind of penalties imposed on independent auditors, on the basis of the Punitive Administrative Proceedings filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in the period 2000-2017. This study makes a contribution to this scientific area by being the first to seek variables that can explain these penalties in quantitative terms. The sample of 76 proceedings was taken from the CVM and B3 sites. The regression models show that the penalties imposed on auditors are: (i) positive and related to a significant degree of breaches that occurred in the customer acceptance, execution of work and reports, repeated offenders and business clients that are listed in the Stock Exchange; (ii) negative and related in a significant way to the occurrence of breaches in audit planning, the existence of corporate governance in the audited clients, the big four firms and procedural timelines.
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