Productive restructuring, flexibilization and precarious work in Catalão industry


  • José de Lima Soares Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)



The present work is an integral part of a project that I have developed over the restructuring process and the productive decentralization, the precariousness and the flexibilization of work in Catalan industry. Our research has as its central axis companies Mitsubishi, Anglo American and Valley. However, it is worth mentioning that, whatever the techno-organizational "models", imposed by capital, they work as exploitation of surplus value relative and absolute (and how social capital control on the job). The capital, let us not forget, is a coercive social relationship. In this sense, it is possible to consider the ‘toyotism’ as one of the important moments of the process of real subsumption of labor to capital, which reaches the majors, against a backdrop of global competitiveness under neo-liberal policies, may be characterized as an offensive of capital in production. The crisis of capital tends to make it suitable for the new conditions of capital accumulation. The crisis of capital tends to make it suitable for the new conditions of the world capitalist accumulation, the Japanese model. In this way, the socio-historical conditions, where was born the ‘toyotism’, a capitalism of scarcity, restricted market, cast it as a set of appropriate principles for the period of capitalism in crisis.

Author Biography

José de Lima Soares, Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)

Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG)- Campus Catalão. Departamento de História e Ciências Sociais.

