The Amnesty Commission: from a perspective of socio-state interfaces


  • Rachel Tomás dos Santos Abrão Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina



The present essay tries to understand the relations between Civil Society and State, in order to analyze the Amnesty Commission as a socio-state interface. First approaching the critique of the democratic theory from Schumpeter and Dahl, later to enter into the theoretical conception of participatory democracy. In this way, we sought to understand the participation of Civil Society as a central element of political life, entering into the differences between deliberationists and participationists. After that, the essay revolves around the theme of socio-state interfaces, pointing out the Amnesty Commission as an interface, showing how this commission tried, in various ways, to strengthen the dialogue between State and Civil Society. Subsequently, the work covers the projects carried out by the Commission after 2007, at which time the central topic is the civil participation on the projects, mainly through the understanding that this focus on participation, is intrinsically related to the roots of democracy.

Author Biography

Rachel Tomás dos Santos Abrão, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Rachel Tomás dos Santos Abrão é graduanda em Ciências Sociais (Licenciatura e Bacharelado) da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Realizou intercambio acadêmico na Facultad de Ciencias Sociales da Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA), pelo programa Escala Estudiante de Grado, da Asociación Universitaria Grupo Montevideo (AUGM). Durante a graduação foi bolsista vinculada ao Memorial Catarinense dos Direitos Humanos, e estagiária na Comissão da Memória e Verdade da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina CMV-UFSC). Atualmente, é vinculada ao Núcleo de Pesquisa em Movimentos Sociais (NPMS) do Departamento de Sociologia e Ciência Política da UFSC, onde atua como bolsista de iniciação científica do CNPq coordenado pela Professora Dra. Lígia Lüchmann




