The social order in Comte's thought




Although the real dimensions of Comte's theoretical contribution in the construction of sociology as a scientific discipline remain a controversial subject, it can’t be denied that his work constitutes an initial impetus for the development of sociological thinking. Through the revision of some central aspects of the theoretical production of Comte, the present article aims to characterize the relevance that had the configuration of the social order in the positivism of the french intellectual. It is argued in this contribution that the design of social order had a double meaning in Comte's scheme, since it was an objective to be reached through the implementation of positivism, but at the same time it played an instrumental role as the central axis of progress and the effective consolidation of positivist design. However, through the influence of determinism, the positivist social order is described in Comte's vision as an inescapable historical destiny, without receiving an adequate explanation about its functioning.

Author Biography

Miguel Agustin Torres, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas Técnicas de Argentina [CONICET]

Abogado [Universidad Nacional de Tucumán-UNT-]; Doctor en Humanidades [UNT]; Doctor en Dereho [Universidad de Buenos Aires]


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