Partners in What? The Alliance for Progress and the Editorial Policies for Modernizing Latin America in the Cold War Era




The Alliance for Progress, program devised by the Kennedy administration early in the 1960s, aimed at promoting regional development of Latin America along US-like capitalist lines, was mired in an inherent contradiction. On the one hand, the program acknowledged that the US could no longer ignore Latin American demands for development. On the other, it realized that its autonomous development, according to the model idealized by the Alliance, could reduce the influence of the United States in the region. In the interplay of Latin American pressures and hegemonic interests of the United States, the Alliance assumed coercive and ideological contours, rendering the partnership for common good meaningless. Grounded on primary documentation produced by the State Department and the US Information Agency (USIA), the present article examines the ideological action of the Alliance for Progress. The focus of the reflection is centered on the analysis of editorial policies implemented along the 1960s, which aimed at influencing debates on the development that took place in Brazil and Latin America so to promote capitalism appropriate to American hegemony. The analysis demonstrates that, in spite of being an innovative and ambitious external policy, the implementation of the Alliance was mired in ideological continuities and geopolitical concerns traditionally shaping the relation between the United States and Latin America.

Author Biographies

Rafael R. Ioris, University of Denver 2000 E. Asbury Ave., Sturm Hall #367 Denver, CO 80208 Ph: 303-871-2950

Rafael R. Ioris, Ph.D.Associate Professor of Latin American History, History DepartmentAffiliated Faculty, Latin American Center, Joseph Korbel School of International Studies

Josiane Mozer, UFRGS

Doutoranda em História.


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How to Cite

Ioris, R. R., & Mozer, J. (2019). Partners in What? The Alliance for Progress and the Editorial Policies for Modernizing Latin America in the Cold War Era. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 26(43), 529–548.


