Politicization of Universities in a Postcolonial Context: A Historical Sketch of Student Political Activism in India





India, Student Politics, Nation-Building


This paper examines the nature and historical trajectories of student politics in India. In doing so, it seeks to centrally carry forward the argument that students represent a powerful and informed political agency, motivated along the axes of either ushering large scale changes or in addressing minor campus issues. It also seeks to lay out the background and dissects the factors that have led to the beginnings, decline and resurgence of student movements in postcolonial societies, particularly in India wherein the contribution of youth or students towards nation-building via activism or participation in mainstream politics can hardly be discounted. While the 1960s did give rise to student movements globally, this paper centrally argues that it has been an intrinsic feature in the Indian context for almost a century now, both before and after Independence from colonial rule and thereby concludes with the idea that universities have been integral to such developments within such a milieu. 


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How to Cite

Sinha, S. (2022). Politicization of Universities in a Postcolonial Context: A Historical Sketch of Student Political Activism in India. Esboços: Histories in Global Contexts, 29(51), 232–252. https://doi.org/10.5007/2175-7976.2022.e84909



Special Issue "University and politics: actors, conflicts and global views"